surrey snow removal

Surrey Snow Removal Plowing | How To Beat The Winter Weather

Surrey Snow Removal
surrey snow removal

Trusted Surrey snow removal services.

Surrey Snow Removal

Virtually every year it would seem like the winters get more and more unstable here and the need for reputable Surrey snow removal services is all the more essential. Snow removal companies are considered “heroes” when the snow starts falling and the ice starts building – the companies that show up on time that is. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Sure you could grab a shovel and clear the snow yourself but your time is valuable and would you be able to shovel and plow the snow at any given time within a 24 hour period?

Unlike some other snow removal companies in the city, we are also a lawn care and garden company during the summer months. Offering a worry free snow removal service makes perfect sense. If someone wants to invest in having their lawn and garden looked after in the summer then they may need Surrey snow removal services in the winter.

Do You Need Surrey Snow Removal Services?

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Depending on where you live in the city you may need to hire a Surrey snow removal company eventually. If a large amount of snow falls on the ground there is only so much that a shovel can do. Even if you have a snow blower or snow plow if the snow on the ground is more than six inches then you are in trouble. We know these things.

Since we offer a Surrey snow plowing service, we have the top snow removal equipment and snow removal tools. Besides having a variety of trucks with plows, snow blowers, and workers with shovels we also have access to bigger and more serious snow equipment when needed. This equipment can range from a dump truck to a bobcat and everything in between. Rest assured that we have what it takes to beat the winter weather.

Most snow clearing and salting companies work on either a contract basis or on-call. Having a snow removal company under contract for the entire winter can prove to be not only a smart move on your part, but a financially sound move as well.

If this winter leaves you calling every single time you get “snowed in” this will inevitably lead to a bigger hole in your budget. This strategy is not that bad if you only require a couple of visits but it could end up costing you much more if the winter weather turns ugly.

Also keep in mind that when you call in requesting service on the fly so are many other people and companies. You will no doubt face a first come first served lineup. Customers who wisely chose snow removal services under contract are catered to first. Those who don’t may not see the snow on their property plowed and cleared within a reasonable amount of time.

If your final choice is to hire a snow removal company make sure they have what it takes to get the job done right. Request some references and do your due diligence. While you can always track down the super cheap guy with a plow, what good will a cheap price bring you if he is unreliable or worse, causes damages to your property?

Winter here in British Columbia always produces weather that is ugly, cold, and dangerous. With everything else that you have on your mind, hiring a Surrey snow removal company will leave you with peace of mind.

We hope you grabbed a tip or two from this article about Surrey snow removal services. Please click the Facebook LIKE button or the Google+ below and leave a comment. You can alsoย grab a complimentary Surrey snow removal quote from us today.




How To Grow an Organic Garden


Organic Gardening: How To Grow an Organic Vegetable Garden

Buying organic vegetables is great but growing your own is even better.

Why have an organic vegetable garden?

Well you get great produce which is better than you can buy as well as great satisfaction of being outside and producing a great result.

Plus you get fresher food which is better than you can buy. A lot of chefs are going this route now and what is cooler than being able to say that you’re not just a gardener but an organic gardener.

1) Look For Place That Gets Full Sun

2) Garden Plot Needs Good Drainage

3) Don’t Need A lot Of Space To Start (4’x8′ to 4′ x 10′)

4) Garden Tools: Wooden Stakes, Large Size Spade, Garden Fork, Newspaper and Compost

Until next time…


Surrey Langley lawn care tips

Lawn Care Tips: How To Keep Your Lawn Green and Healthy

Lawn Care

Lawn Care Tips

Lawn Care Tips

  • Tip 1 – Fill in bare spots. If you don’t fill in those spots weeds will soon make a home there.
  • Tip 2 – Keep your grass 2-3″ long. In doing so you will keep the moisture in the lawn.
  • Tip 3 – Water in the early morning. Between 4 am and 7 am is ideal.
  • Tip 4 – Use a rain guage to track your watering. Too much water is not good.
  • Tip 5 – Don’t let your lawn get too long either. You only want to cut off no more than 1/3 of the grass blade.
  • Tip 6 – Don’t bag the clippings. If you’re only cutting 1/3 of the grass blades then leave them on the lawn.
  • Tip 7 – Test your soil. Apply lime to balance the pH.
  • Tip 8 – Use organic products less often but regularly. Trust the instructions that come with the products.
  • Tip 9 – Keep your lawn mower blades sharp. You want the lawn cut not shredded.

If you have enjoyed these tips lawn care tips please LIKE this post and leave a comment below.

Until next time. ๐Ÿ™‚

Liming Grass

Lawn Care Tips: Why Liming Your Lawn Is Important

Lawn Care

Why Liming Your Lawn Is Important

Liming Your Lawn Is Beneficial

  • Sometimes the problem with your lawn is the pH level.
  • The alkalinity or acidity of the soil effects the health of your lawn. Liming can help with this.
  • To test the pH of your lawn do a soil test which tells you what nutrients the grass needs in order to help your lawn flourish.
  • Liming is a big part of a healthy and green lawn.

It never seems to amaze us about how many people think that this simple service is not necessary. It is the foundation for lawn care because it sets the stage to the absorption effectiveness of every other application you do as well as plays a big part in the overall soil condition that your grass must grow in.

Whether its the beginning, end, or the middle of the season, get your lawn limed today.

(If you live in Ocean Park we can provide a free quote.)

Liming your lawn

Core aeration Vancouver

How Core Aeration Helps Your Lawn Stay Healthy

Lawn Care

Core Aeration and Your Lawn

Core aeration for your lawn is a necessary procedure that should be done every season. What the process does is it relieves soil compaction by pulling up plugs of soil from your lawn and a lot of other benefits.

Strangely, not a lot of people know why they should get their lawn aerated. We hope this post will shed some light on why it is one of the best things you can do for lawn care maintenance.

Here is a simple bullet list of the benefits.

  • Breaks up soil compaction
  • Eliminates or lessens fertilizer and other application run off
  • Helps grass roots grow in
  • Microbiological activity increases and helps thatch decomposition
  • Helps air, water, and nutrients reach the roots of your grass

How Core Aeration Works

Core aeration Surrey Langley White Rock Delta

Core aeration leads to a healthy lawn.

Whether it’s an adult or a child walking on the lawn, and even a small pet, soil compaction caused by foot traffic is inevitable. Soil compaction, as you can imagine, makes it difficult for the roots of the grass to grow. Even the cold temperatures of winter add to this problem. When you use a core aerator, you pull up soil plugs which allows your lawn to breath by creating spaces of air.

So after the machine has gone around and pulled up soil plugs, you will see them lying all over your lawn. Over time these plugs break down and the whole process helps microorganisms flourish and assist in the whole process. They go after the thatch and although obvious, less thatch leads to a healthier lawn.

The holes left from core aeration are a good thing for several reasons.

As mentioned above, the roots can now spread out. A strong and deep root system helps the health of your grass. Keep in mind that roots grow where they have space not in the soil itself. So if the soil on your property is tight and compacted the roots won’t grow and spread out. This leaves the lawn susceptible to the elements, disease, etc.

The holes also create space for water to find it’s way to the grass roots. After a successful aeration of your lawn, the square footage that can now absorb water and nutrients is up to five times what it was before!

Lastly, the holes left behind allow oxygen to reach the roots. This leads to the roots of the lawn growing and spreading out again.

Your Lawn Needs Core Aeration

Whether you go to Home Depot and rent a core aerator ($50+) or you hire us to do it, the benefits of getting this done gives so much advantage to your lawn and dramatically increases the likelihood that it will reach a level of health that helps it thrive this season.

If you got something from this article about core aeration please LIKE it below and leave a comment.

Request a free quote if you live in the neighbourhoods we service.