Landscape Maintenance Surrey Langley

What To Look For In a Landscape Maintenance Service

Landscape Maintenance

Landscape Maintenance Surrey LangleyIf you are seriously considering hiring a landscape maintenance service for your home there are several things you need to know.

Not every lawn maintenance company are the same. Some will treat you and your property with professionalism and respect, and others will not.

Taking your time to decide who is the right fit is well worth some patience.

The question you should ask yourself is what are you looking for? What services do you need and why are you hiring the company?

Some of our customers simply want a lawn cut and the odd fertilizer application. Others want a perfectly green lawn that is cut every Friday with topiary shrubs and a weed-free garden.

If you are reading this article then you have already taken the first step in finding the right company for you. No, we aren’t suggesting that we are “the one” but what you are doing, which is great, is you are doing some research. Finding a reputable company in Crescent doesn’t always happen when you contact the first lawn care company.

If you have seen a lawn company in your neighbourhood, go ask that homeowner for some contact information. This will allow you to find a referred company from someone you know.

Another step you can take is to look for them on social networks. We happen to enjoy Facebook and you will find on a lot of our website pages, we have numerous people who have LIKED us. This is also worth making a note about. You should also visit the Facebook Fan Page of the company you are investigating. Although activity on the page is somewhat important, what is more comforting is seeing that more than 20 people like the page. More times than not this is another positive sign.

You can also visit the YellowPages. If the company is advertising in there that is a good sign that they want to be around for a while and are not a fly-by-night “guy with a truck” outfit.

Another consideration you should make is looking at the type of lawn care equipment that the company uses. Here in British Columbia, some good and reputable brands are Honda, John Deere, Husqvarna, Shindaiwa, and Stihl. If you see brand names like this then you are probably looking at a lawn business that again, wants to be around for a while.

Whatever you do, don’t just go with the cheapest price. You may find that by choosing the cheaper route you are habitually unsatisfied with the work. Had you simply gone for the service that was $10 or $20 more you would have had a much better experience.

When you do decide on a company, get a price quote in writing so that they don’t hike up your cost unknowingly. This is especially important in this new economy.

Finally, keep an eye out for customer service oriented lawn companies. Look into their policies on redoing work that doesn’t meet your standards. It’s important that your requests are met. Be certain that the landscape maintenance company you are going with is willing to fix any mistakes.

We are more than willing to help you. Make sure to request a free quote before you leave.

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Until next time.


6 Quick Tips On Caring For Your Plants


There are numerous people who get quite upset and frantic about how to care for their plants. Trust us when we say that there is nothing to worry about.

Out of everything you need to do, here are 6 quick things you can take action on to get the ball rolling.

1.) Watering

This is a bit of no-brainer really. Watering a garden is not an option. Start with a watering can. Only water if after sticking your finger in the soil it doesn’t feel damp.

2.) Lighting

Some plants require no shade at all. Then there are some that need a bit of shade. Then there are plants that require sun all the time. Again a simple point. Keep plants close of away from windows depending upon how much light they need.

3.) Temperature

There are some plants that require the right temperature in order to survive. Most plants like to stick in temperatures they were built to thrive in. Moving plants too often and changing their environment is not good.

4.) Feeding

Flowering plants need K2O. Foliage plants need nitrogen. Some plants need special feed, like cacti. It is best to feed your plants at the height of their active growth.

5.) Repotting

Some plants do not want to be moved at all. Then there are others that do need to be repotted for proper growth. A good test to see if a plant needs to be repotted is by turning it upside down and carefully removing the plant. If you see mostly roots then repot. If not, then should be fine.

6.) Humidity

Of course there are some plants that need a humid environment. A clever way of maintaining humidity is to put the pot inside a bigger pot and fill in the space with compost to trap the moisture. You can also spray the plant one or twice a day as well. Watch the day’s temperature though.

With a little bit of attention put on caring for your plants, you will see the benefits.

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Planting roses

5 Tips For Planting Your Roses

Planting roses

Surefire tips for planting roses.

Spring usually marks the time of year to get outside and planting roses. They look good and create a wonderful fresh flower smell.

However, you need to keep in mind that you can’t just plant them at any time and in any place.

Here are 5 tips for planting roses successfully.

1.) Think about the position of your roses and which type(s) you are planting. If you intend on planting climbers and ramblers make sure they have somewhere to grow. Plant them along fences, arches, trellises, etc. These types of roses need to be able to grow freely.

2.) Make sure the sun hits the roses for at least 4 to 6 hours a day. You want to be sure you plant them in an area where the sunlight will not be impeded.

3.) Watch the depth in which you plant your roses. How deep depends on where you live. If you live in a cooler climate then plant the roses deeper.

4.) Perennials and roses mixed together in an island bed look sharp. If you have some smaller roses use them as edging plants and combine them in front of taller species.

5.) Lastly, make sure to place your roses in the holes you dig very carefully. When you refill make sure the roots of the rose are covered completely. Make sure to water before you make the final covering. Make sure the mound of soil you have round the base of the rose is about 8 inches. Mother nature and the soil will keep the stems from drying out until the rose is totally rooted. Once you see the leaves of the rose open then you can remove any excess soil that is around the plant.

These tips are well worth the effort to follow. They are important and will make a difference.

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Lawn and garden tips

5 Steps To a Good-Looking Lawn and Garden

Lawn Care
Lawn and garden tips

Having a great looking lawn and garden doesn’t have to cost a fortune.

Having a great looking lawn and garden doesn’t have to cost a fortune.

If your lawn has a solid and healthy topsoil base then most of the hard work of getting a nice lawn is pretty much looked after already.

For the majority, this is simply not the case.

Here are some quick tips to getting your lawn and garden looking it’s best.

1.) The best time to water your lawn is during the cool of the morning. The second best time is in the cool of the evening. Watering during the day can oftentimes burn the lawn. Trust us when we say, early morning is best.

2.) Plant hyacinths in and around doors and walkways throughout your property. They smell fantastic and help create the spring ambiance we all love.

3.) Hedges are better than fences when you are trying to create a boundary. It’s a sharp looking backdrop for flowers and plants.

4.) Create gardens around items and objects you wouldn’t think of. Mailboxes, in-ground electrical boxes, and lamp posts are great places to make a garden around. Surround them with flowers and even rocks to bring the area to life.

5.) Quick weed control can be created by mowing your lawn often. Simply mowing up dandelions regularly helps prevent them from spreading and buys you time to get out there and pull them up from the lawn.

6.) We know we said we had 5 tips but there is also a 6th tip and that is to hire us to help you look after your property. Sorry couldn’t resist. 🙂

Your lawn and garden should look it’s best. There is a lot you can do to make it look better right now. You don’t need to spend a fortune.

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Container gardening hanging basket surrey langley

3 Quick Tips For Container Gardening

Container gardening hanging basket surrey langley

Container gardening made easy.

Right here are a few quick tips for creating a wonderful hanging basket or doing some container gardening this summer.

The first tip for you is use synthetic soil composed mainly of peat moss. Excellent soils like Pro-Mix use peat and other elements to create a soil that don’t effectively compact over the summer.

Real plant soil compacts and transforms into hard concrete beneath the pressure of normal watering. And once it does, roots cease to efficiently grow because they need excellent open cavaties to grow into and absorb nutrients in the soil.

Tough and compacted soils do not grow healthy plants so do not use real soil with your containers.

We suggest using your synthetic potting dirt from year to year.

Empty it out of the pot. We then cut it up with a shovel.

The reason this is great to do is because the compost increases air spaces and provides a jump in nutrition.

Feed your plants each and every week.

Nitrogen, is the most important nutrient for growth. It is water soluble and as water your containers from above the dissolved nitrogen is slipping out from the bottom.

We therefore suggest that you use fish-emulsion liquid feed accompanied with seaweed to provide all the trace nutrients your plants need. We can’t stress this enough.

Feel free to use any liquid plant food (like Miracle Grow) to help produce growth.

Compost tea is the Rolls Royce of liquid plant food. If you create your own compost tea, your plants will kick into gear faster and respond with bigger and better blooms as well as increased life and stamina.

Lastly, no matter what size of container you use, it is crucial to soak it all the way to the bottom during each time you water. Keep watering until you see water emerge from the pot bottom. This is a surefire sign that the roots can reach all parts of the container and grow properly.

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